
Sophrology is a mind and body method that can help you listen to your feelings and progress towards improved day-to-day wellbeing using dynamic relaxation exercises (gentle movement combined with breathing) and static relaxation exercises (exercises similar to meditation including visualisation techniques). The exercises are carried out solely with the help of my voice, which will guide you from start to finish.

Listening your feelings

Sophrology was developed in the 1960s by Alfonso Caycedo, a neuropsychiatrist. He discovered how an individual’s consciousness could be expanded and their abilities developed through exercises including breathing, mental visualisation and contracting and relaxing muscles.

If you practice Sophrology regularly, over time you will learn to listen fully to your feelings, without needing any external assistance.​

Sophrology is suitable for everyone: children, teenagers and adults, whether they are in good health or have physical or mental health challenges.

Important: although Sophrology has many benefits, it is not a substitute for medical treatment or psychological support.

Individual sessions

I offer individual sessions in my office for adults and teenagers looking for personalised support to help them improve their day-to-day lives or prepare mentally for events.

Here are some examples of situations in which I can offer support. This is not an exhaustive list. Please do not hesitate to contact me to find out more.

Improve your day-to-day life :


  • Cope with changes at home or at work (divorce, grief, separation, redundancy),
  • Improve self-confidence,
  • Manage your emotions more effectively,
  • Sleep better,
  • Develop self-affirmation,
  • Learn to live with hypersensitivity

…and many other themes which we can tackle together!

Prepare mentally for an event :


  • New job role,
  • Exam (entrance exams, driving tests, etc.),
  • Sporting event,
  • Public performance (concert, singing, theatre, etc…)

…and many other themes which we can tackle together!

Group sessions

I also offer tailored group sessions for businesses, clubs and at private events. Please get in touch for more information and a personalised quotation.

What happens during a Sophrology session ?

All Sophrology sessions follow a set structure, but the exercises used are varied and always tailored to the individual situation.

The session begins with an opportunity to talk about how you are feeling. It continues with a series of exercises guided by my voice, and then there is another opportunity to talk before we close the session.

​Duration of a programme of support

Sophrology is a brief therapy. On average, a programme of support lasts between six and twelve sessions.

Location : at my office (L’Atelier) or in your home.

Cost : €60 including tax per session.

An increasing number of top-up health insurance policies cover the cost of Sophrology sessions. Contact your health insurance company to ask whether they can help!

Any question or project?

Dot not hesitate to contact me to share your project, your needs, and then design a custom offer together !